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What's lost, what's found

ever lost, ever found myself at every turn of life surrounded by challenges Ever waved the flag of victory ever found myself lost and lonely Sometimes someone supported and sometimes rejected Always found myself walking between impossibility and hope Sometimes happiness keeps on coming in life, sometimes sadness, sometimes loneliness, sometimes successes, sometimes failures. I am walking on the strings of life keeping balance I've never fallen I'll never let myself fall Don't know how many times the wind of challenges has blown and how many times my feet have staggered at the rope of this life Keeping in mind that I have faced every challenge, if I fall then all is over. Then what's lost, what's found ok I haven't started any fire But in my life a lamp of hope is always lit Many times the feet have staggered on the path of life Keeping courage every time, have stepped forward carefully Made a distance from bad things, from bad people, from bad habits Good things

I am yesterday

Remembering the old days Those who have been separated keep walking together Praying to meet them again in the same way I also realized that I too am yesterday for someone, can't be today I can give a feeling of my being by coming in memories  but cannot walk together in the present I can meet again fighting my situation I can stop for a moment, I can give you two more moments when needed. But it is also true that I am yesterday, I cannot be today You can also watch this video 👇 I am yesterday No matter how much you keep me in your memories, follow me from your heart or forget it Sometimes I will remember but I will say that no matter how much I remember Keep me in the memories, move forward  because this compulsion is right,  life cannot go on without taking a step forward I'm yesterday, I can't be today The memories of the old days kept on coming. Keeping us apart from today's world Remembering those memories, how many have passed today Those memories can be felt, so

Understand Self-confidence in practical life, adopt and get success in life

It's about school days. One day after the end of the break, one of our heads came to the class very angry and started scolding everyone who had broken the plums by going outside the ground despite their refusal. Many people started looking at a girl and the head got a hint that she must have broken it. Sir started scolding that girl. Initially, the girl kept refusing that I had not plucked the plum, but when the scolding of the head did not stop, she confidently placed her bag on the table in front of the head and started speaking with great confidence without fear that if the plums are broken by me, then it will be in this bag only, whoever has doubts should see it in this bag. As soon as she did this, the head became calm and started explaining that I was not speaking only to you. was speaking to everyone. Now if someone goes out of the ground to pluck the plum, then it will not be good for him. Whoever he was, now it will be good for him if he does not make such a mistake. Lat

Still trying

childhood gone friends changed people have changed times have changed that peaceful evening the days that seemed good have changed People are compelled to live for few rupees in this concrete jungle Tried a lot but could not bring that relaxed and familiar time still trying I have understood but could not explain to anyone that the real peaceful life Not in these big buildings, Not in AC rooms Not in swimming pools Not in expensive hotels and mines there It's all right for a few days The real peace is in the village where There is a sanskar of belongingness, there is an open courtyard, where pure food without adulteration is prepared on the chulhas Where the nature's affinity is reflected in the water of the rivers I am wondering where to find that village Those villages with families full of belonging have changed understood but couldn't explain anyone still trying There is an educated population but no one wants to bring change by understanding Everyone with a degree for

What to do when scared

Fear in the mind is like a mischievous monkey. Whenever there is any problem in life, it bothers a lot. It dominates our mind, our thinking. It does not allow us to think right. It puts pressure on us to succumb to trouble. It comes like a storm and leaves the mind with a ruckus in order to come again. After defeating it, it attacks again and more quickly than before. Attacks again and again and continues like this. At this time it is most important to take the right decision keeping this fear under control. Because it happens that our decision making ability is most affected at this time.  We do not understand what we should and should not do in such times.  If there are people giving opinion around, then at this time we do not understand who is giving right opinion and who is giving wrong opinion. We make wrong decisions in our life mostly in this condition like- Choosing the wrong job - Choosing the wrong job starts from the very beginning when we study in the big classes while get


Today's Sunday I remember that childhood Sunday That Sunday morning, looked fresher and better than the rest of the morning Songs of Rangoli in the Morning after taking a shower Those Doordarshan programs at nine o'clock Mowgli with tights Chandrakanta's story So sometimes Ramanand Sagar's pastimes of Krishna the powers of the Shaktiman Sometimes Captain Vyom and sometimes the mysterious world of Dus numbari Mount the antenna on the roof when the signal does not come going out with friends and playing in the fields Watching the water running towards the fields through the drain beside the trails playing with pets sometimes sit together and make clay toys returning home on that relaxing afternoon Sometimes playing Ludo after eating food and sometimes playing antakshari sometimes read story books Sometimes the lightest blink of a dream world That hustle and bustle of the evening, the magic of those games sometimes cricket and sometimes football Sometimes hid, sometimes ca

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वह दिन - एक सच्चा अनुभव

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व्यवहारिक जीवन और शिक्षा

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अनुभव पत्र

सुनें 👉 आज मैं बहुत दिनों बाद अपने ऑफिस गया लगभग एक साल बाद इस उम्मीद में की आज मुझे मेरा एक्सपीरियंस लेटर मिल जाएगा। वैसे मै ऑफिस दोबारा कभी नहीं जाना चाहता 😓लेकिन मजबूरी है 😓क्योंकि एक साल हो गए ऑफिस छोड़े हुए😎।नियम के मुताबिक ऑफिस छोड़ने के 45 दिन के बाद  मेरे ईमेल एकाउंट मे एक्सपीरियंस लेटर आ जाना चाहिए था☝। आखिर जिंदगी के पाँच साल उस ऑफिस में दिए हैं एक्सपीरियंस लेटर तो लेना ही चाहिए। मेरा काम वैसे तो सिर्फ 10 मिनट का है लेकिन देखता हूँ कितना समय लगता है😕।  समय  फिर याद आया कुणाल को तो बताना ही भूल गया😥। हमने तय किया था की एक्सपीरियंस लेटर लेने हम साथ में जायेंगे😇  सोचा चलो कोई बात नहीं ऑफिस पहुँच कर उसको फ़ोन कर दूंगा😑। मैं भी कौन सा ये सोच कर निकला था की ऑफिस जाना है एक्सपीरियंस लेटर लेने।आया तो दूसरे काम से था जो हुआ नहीं सोचा चलो ऑफिस में भी चल के देख लेत्ते हैं😊। आखिर आज नहीं जाऊंगा तो कभी तो जाना ही है इससे अच्छा आज ही चल लेते है👌। गाड़ी में पेट्रोल भी कम है उधर रास्ते में एटीएम भी है पैसे भी निकालने है और वापस आते वक़्त पेट्रोल भी भरा लूंगा👍।  ऑफिस जाना  पैसे निकालने