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Main reason and solution for smartphone addiction

In this article you will understand how Rajan, albeit unknowingly, understood the main reason for smartphone addiction among adults and children and what could be the solution to it. This article is based on a true incident.

That day Rajan's son was on leave. Rajan's wife had gone out for work. Rajan works from home, so along with his work, he had to take care of his son as well. So he took his son to a small cabin built separately in his house so that he could do his work as well as take care of his son. There were other people in the house but that day everyone was busy with their work.

Main reason and solution for smartphone addiction

On his son's insistence, he gave his smartphone to his son so that his son could watch his favourite cartoons etc. and Rajan could continue his work without any disturbance. Rajan continued doing his work and his son continued watching his favourite videos on the smartphone.

It was afternoon. It was time for lunch and it was also time to take a break from work. Rajan stopped working and looked at his son who was still busy with his smartphone. 

Main reason and solution for smartphone addiction

He told his son to eat now and turn off his phone as he was watching it for a long time. Rajan's son watches smartphone a lot. As soon as he comes back from school, he starts looking at his smartphone and once he starts looking at it, he keeps looking at it. 

Many times he have to scold him but scolding and being strict does solve the problem for some time but after some time he starts looking at his smartphone again. 

Rajan is worried that his son is getting into the bad habit of looking at his smartphone day by day, which is not good. But what to do, he is unable to understand any right or appropriate solution. Being harsh on children or always scolding them is not right and it is not the right solution to the problem either.

Main reason and solution for smartphone addiction

This problem is not just of his son, this problem is of almost every house where smartphone is used. This problem is not only in children but in people of all ages. 

When Rajan also starts watching something on smartphone, he starts watching it thinking that let me watch it for some time for entertainment. But he does not get bored in a short while. And a lot of time is spent in this. 

Many times, even knowing that he should not use smartphone at least in front of his son. Because when his son would see him doing this, he would think that if father is watching, then I will also watch, there is nothing wrong in it.

Main reason and solution for smartphone addiction

But how to overcome this habit is also a serious problem. But what happened next made Rajan understand what could be the real reason of this problem, in other words, what is the root of this problem and what could be its solution.

After finishing his work, Rajan took his smartphone from his son and went to eat food with his son. While eating, the son insisted on watching the smartphone, then Rajan explained that you have been watching the smartphone continuously since morning and I was also watching the laptop continuously since morning. We both should now give rest to our eyes. It is not good to watch smartphone so much. After a little insistence, the son agreed

After eating, the son again started looking for the smartphone but could not find it because Rajan had kept the smartphone away from his reach. The son repeatedly insisted Rajan to give him the smartphone and Rajan tried to convince him.

Meanwhile, mischief started between the father and son. Both of them started doing fake fights on the bed. Sometimes they would fight in filmy style by making the sound of Dhishoom Dhishoom, sometimes they would start throwing each other on the bed, sometimes they would tickle each other, sometimes they would fight by hitting and throwing pillows on each other, sometimes they would say something to each other or make fun of each other due to which the whole room would echo with their laughter.

Main reason and solution for smartphone addiction

The son was enjoying all this but Rajan also started enjoying all this. For some time, Rajan forgot that he was the father of that child and not the child himself. All this went on for a long time. It went on till it was time for the son to go to tuition.

After dropping his son to tuition, Rajan noticed that the time the father and son spent together in fun and whatever fun and mischief they did, during that time none of them felt the need for a smartphone. Mostly it happens that the mind starts getting restless to look at the smartphone. But this time it did not happen.

Main reason and solution for smartphone addiction

Rajan was realizing that the main reason for getting addicted to smartphones is our lifestyle and loneliness.

Our lifestyle has become so hectic and full of competition that we do not have time to talk to anyone about our happiness and sorrow. And our moral degradation is also happening so much that two people are not able to talk about things that please each other. 

We either try to show our status. Or they start competing on some matter that we are right, we are better than you. At some places, a fight even starts over some matter. Someone is sad from inside, away from his village, home and loved ones. 

In such a situation, there will be loneliness because when no one gets along with someone, then there will be loneliness and due to this loneliness, most people use smartphones because it has everything. 

Things of their work or interest, things of entertainment and the most important thing is that even if you are not able to think of anything, then also start watching reels in the smartphone, something or the other will keep appearing and your time will keep passing.

The same is the case with children, we are so busy in our respective places that we do not have time to talk and spend with children. We get so tired mentally and physically from job or work that even if we take out time for children, we will always talk about serious things, toys and expensive things. But we do not pay attention to the fact that childhood does not just ask for things, expensive things attracts only for some time.

Main reason and solution for smartphone addiction

That childhood needs time of loved ones, nice things, some mischief, lots of logic less talks, some love and affection. It is obvious that in the absence of all these, the attention of innocent and small children will go towards the smartphone. 

Mostly it is also seen that to divert the attention of children and to avoid disturbance in our work, we ourselves put their favorite things in the smartphone and give it to them at a time when they are not even able to walk and talk properly.

Whether it is smartphone addiction in children or adults, its main reason is loneliness. Now the reason for this loneliness can be different for everyone individually. And everyone will have to find the right solution to this loneliness in their own way so that we do not get so lost in the world of smartphones that we forget that we are humans and social creatures and we have to interact in our society as well.

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